
On December 26th, 2017 I went on a walk with my mom and sister. The high for that day was -4 degrees Fahrenheit, with a low of -15 degrees and the wind made it feel another 10 degrees colder than that. According to the National Weather Service, frostbite can occur within 5 minutes at temperatures between 0 and -19 degrees Fahrenheit.

After a few minutes of being outside, I could feel my eyelashes sticking together every time I blinked. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a coating of ice forming on the inside of my sweatshirt, the moisture from my breath frozen within seconds after leaving my lungs. While the signs of extreme cold were apparent, I was toasty warm with every inch of my body (except my eyes) blanketed in multiple layers of clothing.

Preparation is vital when living in a severely cold and snowy place like Minnesota. Shoveling your driveway early in the morning so you can get to work, turning your car on 15 minutes before you leave to let it warm up, and spreading salt on ice so it melts before someone slips on it are common practices. These proactive measures make future life easier, safer, and more comfortable.

Likewise, preparing for your financial future can greatly improve your future quality of life. Saving 20% or more of your income, contributing to an IRA, and taking advantage of an employers 401(k) match will make your financial goals and retirement planning feel like a warm car in a snow-free driveway.

Short-term preparation can just as beneficial. If you know you are going to work on Monday, you can prepare by making your lunch on Sunday night. If you are traveling, you can plan ahead by checking out public transportation options at your destination instead of relying on Lyft or a rental car. These small preparations add up, and played a large role in keeping my personal spending under $9,000 for 2017.

How are you preparing for the future?
